Call us: 952-440-5011


By webmaster September 13, 2016

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River will host a dinner to honor Scott Counties newly enlisted or appointed military members. The dinner will be held at the Savage American Legion on Saturday May 4th at 7pm followed speakers LT (ret.) Lawrence and Anne Yatch. Lawrence is a Navy Seal Veteran and Anne is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Masters program.

We would like to invite those new military members entering service in 2013 with a signed initial entry contract to register for the dinner at or call 952-440-5011. The enlistees and appointees are welcome to invite their parents or if married your spouse to join us at the dinner.

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River is 501c3 Non-Profit organization with the mission of helping all veterans, service members and their family members from Scott County in times of need. We are looking forward to recognizing Scott counties newest military service members.

By webmaster September 13, 2016
Mmmmmmmm, eagerly anticipating the up-coming Chili feed at the American Legion in Savage, MN. I can almost taste it already. The Chili feed is hosted by our local Marine Corps League chapter. What a great group of individuals, but it is these individuals as a group that is truly amazing. Proceeds from the Chili Feed will help them accomplish the many veterans projects they accomplish thru-out the year. One such project is the Fishing with Vets on the 21st and 22nd of June 2013. This yearly event is open to all veterans from any branch of service. It is just one of the many ways the Marine Corps League does their part in honoring our veterans.

Please join us for great chili, and a chance to meet some really great Marines and veterans at the American Legion 12375 Princeton Ave Savage, MN at 6pm on Saturday April 13th MCL Chili Feed
By webmaster September 13, 2016

It’s finally warming up. A great time to get out and run or walk a 5K. Come join the largest community outreach
event hosted by Immanuel Lutheran Church! Bring your friends and family for an afternoon of fun on May 5th. Proceeds to benefit Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River. 2013 Fish Lake 5K Festival Flyer

You can register for the 5K run/walk at:

By webmaster September 13, 2016

Much has happened in the last year and a half. The long steady march toward our first goal of becoming a 501c3 Non-Profit and receiving our Proclamation (which will happen Fri. March 30th from 3-5 PM at Trinity Evangelical Free Church 10658 210th Street West Lakeville, MN) has been a long and very rewarding journey. Every project undertaken has prompted new relationships, built beautiful and lasting friendships, and developed a level of trust that Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River is an organization that the Veterans and their families in Scott County can turn to when they are in need.

If you feel called to join us in providing support for Military families and Veterans in Scott County, come to our next meeting. On the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, we meet in the lower level of the Prior Lake VFW Post 6208 in Prior Lake, MN.

By webmaster September 13, 2016

BTYR South of the River and it’s volunteers were busier then ever this past weekend. It started out with our annual fundraiser at the Wilds community garage sale. Great weather (ok, it was a little windy) and lot’s of fun teasing Joe and Chris about their pink lemonade stand.

At the same time many of our volunteers were spreading the word about BTYR at Springfest, St. Michael’s Parish festival in Prior Lake, MN. Later in the evening on Sat, several of our group showed support by joining the Blue Star Mom’s for their annual Bash and fundraiser. On Sunday afternoon many of us went to Ft Snelling to say Thank You to our reservists and active duty personal by treating the Marines, Navy and Air Force that were present for a drill weekend to an Ice Cream Social. To cap off a great weekend, three or four of our volunteers were at the Fisher House at the VA Hospital campus to prepare a meal for family members of veterans currently in the hospital. This is something we do every third weekend of the month. What an amazing team of volunteers. No matter how busy we are, just the right number of people step up to help! If you live in Scott County, MN and want to show support to our local veterans and their families, join us at the VFW Post 6208 Prior Lake, MN lower level. We meet every first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm.

By webmaster September 13, 2016

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River will host a dinner to honor Scott Counties newly enlisted or appointed military members. The dinner will be held at the Savage American Legion on Saturday May 4th at 7pm followed speakers LT (ret.) Lawrence and Anne Yatch. Lawrence is a Navy Seal Veteran and Anne is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Masters program.

We would like to invite those new military members entering service in 2013 with a signed initial entry contract to register for the dinner at or call 952-440-5011. The enlistees and appointees are welcome to invite their parents or if married your spouse to join us at the dinner.

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River is 501c3 Non-Profit organization with the mission of helping all veterans, service members and their family members from Scott County in times of need. We are looking forward to recognizing Scott counties newest military service members.

By webmaster September 13, 2016
Mmmmmmmm, eagerly anticipating the up-coming Chili feed at the American Legion in Savage, MN. I can almost taste it already. The Chili feed is hosted by our local Marine Corps League chapter. What a great group of individuals, but it is these individuals as a group that is truly amazing. Proceeds from the Chili Feed will help them accomplish the many veterans projects they accomplish thru-out the year. One such project is the Fishing with Vets on the 21st and 22nd of June 2013. This yearly event is open to all veterans from any branch of service. It is just one of the many ways the Marine Corps League does their part in honoring our veterans.

Please join us for great chili, and a chance to meet some really great Marines and veterans at the American Legion 12375 Princeton Ave Savage, MN at 6pm on Saturday April 13th MCL Chili Feed
By webmaster September 13, 2016

It’s finally warming up. A great time to get out and run or walk a 5K. Come join the largest community outreach
event hosted by Immanuel Lutheran Church! Bring your friends and family for an afternoon of fun on May 5th. Proceeds to benefit Beyond the Yellow Ribbon South of the River. 2013 Fish Lake 5K Festival Flyer

You can register for the 5K run/walk at:

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